Friday, August 19, 2011

A Good Meal

Miss me? I know it's been almost a week since I've posted.  Adam came back from Hawaii, so we spent this week doing our most favorite things...drinking and eating (and a little crafting was thrown in too).

This post should probably be called, Steak Tuesdays, by the way.  

Bargain alert (I'll be highlighting tips and bargains from now on!): Did you know Tom Leonard's Farmer's Market in Short Pump has reduced priced meat?  I know what you're thinking...e. coli, salmonella...but a wise person told me it's just the cuts that might have oxidized a little, or were from the day before.  We decided to get steak from Tom Leonard's anyways because they (in my opinion) have the best meat in the area (no lie!).  They also do Boar's Head deli meat for $6.99/lb.  At any other grocery store, a pound would run you about  $8.99, so it's definitely a place worth checking especially if you're a sandwich person.  It's sad though, because a lot of this places business has gone to the Whole Foods and Trader Joe's across the street.  I like these stores too, but Short Pump just has too many gourmet grocery stores, in my opinion!  Anyways, we found the discount meat section and said "Why not?"  I mean, they can't poison you, it's not like it's bad, it's just not the premium cut.  We left with a great deal!  Four large Ribeye steaks for $9.  Yes, $9.  Compared with similar steaks in the store, we saved over 50% and it turned out great.  What do you think of discounted foods?

Hello beautiful. You were delicious. 

So here's how we did them: Marinated in soy sauce (teriyaki would work too), salt, pepper, shaved ginger and garlic, and a little garlic powder.  Broiled in the oven until they were done (can't tell you how long because Adam did this part...Paula and hot ovens are not friends).  Sauteed some mushrooms and onions in a little olive oil.

We also had a citrus vinaigrette citrus salad! Yay greens!

The citrus vinaigrette recipe came from the salad bad.  Do you ever use those recipes that can be found on food boxes and bags?  Have they been yummy?!  The dressing was actually really great! It consisted of a little orange juice, red wine vinegar (called for cider vinegar that we didn't have, so we improvised), salt, pepper, garlic, and olive oil (which was added slowly as all the ingredients were whisked together to emulsify).  To all this I added the spinach and tossed it in the dressing, and on top I put grapefruit pieces, dried cranberries, and some cheese I thought was funky tasting.  Apparently blue cheese would have been perfecto with this type of salad, but, since I don't like blue cheese, we didn't have any.

Adam also cracked open a bottle of Gypsy Dancer, Pinot Noir.  It's an acclaimed wine from Oregon.  (Wine Fact: Did you know Pinot Noir grapes like cooler climates!?)  Apparently he thought it might have been corked.  I know what this means, but it's kind of technical (and this isn't a wine blog people!) but either he, or the link can explain more if you're interested.  But then he though it might not be.  Wine is so bipolar sometimes!

Anyways, here's the entire ensemble.  Yay!  Steak Tuesdays!

As much as I like a home cooked meal, it's nice to get out and have someone else clean up the mess.  Wednesday we went to Legend Brewing Co. which is just over the Manchester Bridge.  Like the name suggests, they do make their own beer!  They also make awesome beer dog nuggets.  I highly suggest getting these if you go. While we were there we enjoyed a festive Irish fiddle music club (I felt like I was Rose in the lower decks of the Titanic).

But the best thing about Legend is the spectacular patio view of Richmond.  I didn't get a nigh picture, but it's absolutely stunning in the evening when the city is all lit up. 

Do you have a favorite spot to sit back, have a drink, and relax in Richmond, or elsewhere?

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